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The USA Border Crisis

Rahu just moved into the 4th house of homeland security in the USA’s birth chart. Rahu stays in a sign for 18 months and plays a significant role in terms of astrological predictions. Rahu can be problematic as it’s a malefic and tends to cause some problems wherever it transits. It can also magnify, expand, and intensify existing issues.  Rahu represents foreigners and here we see the USA with its border crisis, as the homeland is being flooded with immigrants. Rahu is also at a critical degree known as gandanta, which indicates drowning or feeling like something or someone is out of control. 

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The USA May Be Under Attack

I don't want to fear monger or alarm anyone, but there’s a very high chance that there's an attack on the USA this month of December or sometime up until February 2024. And here is my astrological reasoning. Rahu just moved into the 4th house of homeland security in the USA’s birth chart. Rahu stays in a sign for 18 months and plays a significant role in terms of astrological predictions. Rahu can be problematic as it’s a malefic and tends to cause some problems wherever it transits. It can also magnify, expand, and intensify existing issues.  Rahu represents foreigners and here we see the USA with its border crisis, as the homeland is being flooded with immigrants. Rahu is...

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Main Characters of 2024

At the end of November 2023, the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, finally shifted into Vedic Pisces and Vedic Virgo, giving these two zodiac signs the main character energy. So if you have your rising or moon sign in Virgo or Pisces, get ready to experience the most change, especailly when it comes to your partnerships and individuality. You’ll need to balance the two opposing houses for the next 18 months. For some, advancements in relationships will be made, while others may start new businesses. Collaborations and or public visibility will also be a prominent theme.

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USA Pluto Return 2024

In February 2024, Pluto will return to its exact original position in the USA’s birth chart, where it was during the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, at 6 degrees of Capricorn, in the 2nd house of money and finance. It takes Pluto 248 years to transit the entire zodiac. It’s an outer planet that affects generations, the masses, and the collective. Pluto represents huge transformation, so without a doubt, there will be something monumental happening around this time. And because it’s such a significant and slow moving planet, we would have already been feeling and seeing the effects several months prior.  Not to mention, the USA is also right in the middle of its difficult Sade Sati period, its...

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