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The Astrology of Earthquakes

Here’s an astrological explanation for the recent earthquakes: August 8th - 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Japan August 12th - 4.4 magnitude earthquake in Los Angeles In Vedic astrology, earthquakes and other natural disasters are believed to be influenced by specific planetary configurations, particularly those involving malefic planets and sensitive points in a chart. Uranus: Though not traditionally considered in Vedic astrology, some modern astrologers include Uranus (associated with sudden changes and shocks) as a potential indicator of earthquakes, particularly when in hard aspects with Mars or Saturn. Mars: Known as the planet of energy, aggression, and destruction. Mars can represent volcanic activity, explosions, and sudden disruptions. Mars in conjunction or aspect with Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu can indicate potential for...

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Mercury Retrograde Expectations

Mercury, the planet of communication, technology, and travel will be retrograde from August 4th - 28th. Get ready to hear back and reconnect with people from your past. It’s a great time to check in and revisit with an old friend or colleague. This month will be good for review, rest, reflection, and revision. Projects and plans are likely to be reassessed or reconsidered. You may feel the need to repeat, resume, refresh, revive, or return to something.Avoid launching anything new around this time, if you can hold off; otherwise, make sure to triple check things for accuracy. Allow for more time when traveling, as you may experience some mishaps and delays. You may also experience some tech issues and...

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Get Career Guidance Using Astrology

This week I had a call with a returning client; she was at a crossroads and feeling stagnant in her current career. She expressed her grand ambitions, yearning for something more or different. She even toyed with the idea of starting her own business. Looking at her birth chart, I was able to confirm and validate her hopes and desires. She had a very powerful 10th house (career, status, purpose, reputation), which normally suggests one to be very ambitious and career driven in the first place. She had indicators and characteristics of someone who belonged in a position of power, leadership, and authority. There were also indicators and potentials for becoming an entrepreneur and being her own boss. I looked...

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Ashlesha Nakshatra & the Association to Drugs, Medicine & Pharmacology

Ashlesha nakshatra is the ninth lunar constellation in the Cancer zodiac. Its symbol is a coiled serpent and its power is to “inflict poison and destroy the victim.” People with prominent placements in Ashlesha, in their natal Vedic birth chart, are oftentimes associated with professions in medicine and pharmacology. The negative side to this placement can be problems and addiction to drugs and alcohol, as people can suffer the consequences of poisoning themselves. Here are some examples of public figures with prominent placements in Ashlesha:Vivek Ramaswamy - Sun & Mercury in Ashlesha Founder of a pharmaceutical company Johan Fredrik Eijkman - Moon in Ashlesha Professor in Pharmacy Knut Naess - Ascendant in AshleshaProfessor of Pharmacology & Pharmacologist Client Chart -...

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Astrology Explains Assassination Attempt on Trump

Mars, the planet of violence, aggression, weapons, danger, and attacks, just moved into Donald Trump’s 10th house of career, reputation, public image, and presidency, at 1* of Taurus. His Midheaven, the highest visible point in the birth chart, is at 1* of Taurus. Uranus, the planet of sudden and shocking events, also recently moved into Taurus, and is at 2* of Taurus. He has a very powerful 10th house, where he has an exalted Rahu and very strong Sun. The Sun is the most important planet in his chart, as it’s his chart ruler and, therefore, an extension of his identity. Mars and Uranus are transiting over his natal Sun and exalted Rahu.Not to mention, the most important factor; the...

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