The Astrology of Earthquakes

Here’s an astrological explanation for the recent earthquakes:

August 8th - 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Japan

August 12th - 4.4 magnitude earthquake in Los Angeles

In Vedic astrology, earthquakes and other natural disasters are believed to be influenced by specific planetary configurations, particularly those involving malefic planets and sensitive points in a chart.

Uranus: Though not traditionally considered in Vedic astrology, some modern astrologers include Uranus (associated with sudden changes and shocks) as a potential indicator of earthquakes, particularly when in hard aspects with Mars or Saturn.

Mars: Known as the planet of energy, aggression, and destruction. Mars can represent volcanic activity, explosions, and sudden disruptions. Mars in conjunction or aspect with Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu can indicate potential for earthquakes.

Saturn: Often associated with geological and seismic activities due to its connection with the earth element. Saturn's transit through earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or its conjunction with other malefic planets can be a trigger.

Rahu and Ketu: These shadow planets are associated with unexpected, chaotic, and disruptive events. Their influence on the earth signs or sensitive points can contribute to seismic activities.

Conjunction or Square of Major Planets: When heavy-weight planets like Saturn, Jupiter, or Mars come together in the same sign, particularly in an earth sign or in hard aspect to each other, it is considered a potential indicator of seismic activity. The conjunction or square of Mars and Saturn in transit, especially in earth signs, is one of the most widely recognized configurations for potential earthquakes.

Affliction to Earth Signs: Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) represent stability and the physical earth. When malefic planets heavily afflict these signs, especially through conjunctions, oppositions, or squares, it is considered an indicator of possible earth-related disturbances.

Planetary War: When two planets are within close degrees of each other, particularly Mars, Saturn, or malefics, this can signify conflict and tension, potentially manifesting as seismic activity.

Specific Nakshatras: Certain Nakshatras (lunar mansions), particularly those ruled by Mars (like Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta), are considered more prone to triggering earthquakes when afflicted by malefic planets.

In the next few days, Mars and Jupiter will be transiting in the nakshatra Mrigashira, ruled by Mars. This could potentially set off some more earthquakes and aftershocks.

Currently, Mars (destruction), Jupiter (expansion), and Uranus (suddenness) are conjunct (together) in the earth sign of Taurus. Mars and Jupiter are the faster moving planets, in comparison to Uranus, and are tightly conjunct, within a degree, which makes their effects more potent. In addition, Mars is typically the trigger for events.

Currently, Saturn is transiting in the sign of Aquarius and is making a square (difficult aspect) within a close degree, to Mars and Jupiter, in Taurus.

Currently, Ketu, the south node of the moon, associated with detachment and loss, is transiting the earth sign of Virgo.