USA Pluto Return 2024

In February 2024, Pluto will return to its exact original position in the USA’s birth chart, where it was during the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, at 6 degrees of Capricorn, in the 2nd house of money and finance. It takes Pluto 248 years to transit the entire zodiac. It’s an outer planet that affects generations, the masses, and the collective. Pluto represents huge transformation, so without a doubt, there will be something monumental happening around this time. And because it’s such a significant and slow moving planet, we would have already been feeling and seeing the effects several months prior. 

Not to mention, the USA is also right in the middle of its difficult Sade Sati period, its 2nd phase, which tends to be the most challenging. Saturn crossing over the natal moon can feel very heavy, restrictive, and depressing.