Rahu in Pisces & Sinking of Titanic

Rahu is now exactly where it was when the Titanic sank in 1912. Rahu now and then was at 29* of Pisces, in a critical degree known as gandanta, specifically associated with figurative and literal drowning. Rahu tends to cause chaotic, problematic, and extreme events. It magnifies and expands the energy of the house or sign it’s in. It also magnifies and takes on the qualities of the planet it’s in conjunction with. Being in the water sign of Pisces, which rules water and oceans, it’s no surprise that events related to sinking, drowning, flooding, and storms can occur during this time. When the Titanic sank, Jupiter, another planet associated with expansion and growth, was also in a water sign, Scorpio. Rahu and Jupiter were both casting aspects to each other, doubling and magnifying its effects.