Zoom Readings

Zoom Readings

Regular price $100.00

  • This reading will give you insight into different aspects of your life.
  • I’ll be highlighting the most important findings in your chart.
  • I’ll discuss the condition and strength of your planets, lords, and yogas.  
  • This reading will give you insight about what to expect within the next year.
  • I’ll discuss the current planetary transits and their aspects.
  • I mainly focus on the transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
  • I’ll also discuss your planetary dashas and any yogas being activated.



  • These readings are based on the transits of your rising & moon sign. 
  • Includes personal predictions, possibilities, and potentials.
  • Includes insights about opportunities, challenges, and areas of focus. 
  • Includes 2024 - 2025 astrological analysis of the transiting planets.
  • Includes Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, their aspects, and eclipses.
  • Includes explanation of each planet and house being impacted. 
  • Includes explanation of any pivotal current transits in your chart. 
  • Includes dates of new moons, full moons, and eclipses in 2024.
  • Includes an educational introduction and overview to Vedic astrology.  
  • This is a great reference guide to refer back to throughout the year.


  • Please provide your full birthday, exact time of birth, and city of birth.
  • Enter your birth details in the white entry field box at checkout. 
  • I recommend writing out the birthday month, so there are no misunderstandings.
  • I use Vedic astrology; therefore, the signs differ by 23 degrees from Western astrology.
  • It’s generally one zodiac sign backwards from what you may be used to seeing. 
  • The readings will be via Zoom for the chosen duration.
  • I will send you the Zoom invite on the day of your scheduled session.
  • You’re welcome to record the reading on your end. 
  • I look forward to receiving your order and speaking with you!