Who Will Win the Super Bowl in 2024 - According to Astrology

Last year I accurately predicted that the Chiefs would win the Super Bowl, by analyzing the birth charts of the two opposing quarterbacks, and found Patrick Mahomes’ chart to indicate the win. This year I’m doing the same and looking at the birth charts of Pat Mahomes, Travis Kelce, and Brock Purdy. However, since I don’t have their birth times, I’m using their moon charts, as opposed to their rising charts, which would help make the analysis more complete and accurate. I’m not using the charts of the coaches, only because they both fall between two moon signs. Not having a definite moon sign can further complicate the analysis, but I have vaguely considered their charts.

I’ll mainly be looking at the planetary transits on game day against the three birth charts. I’ll primarily be focusing on the transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Mars. Jupiter’s transit is vital to consider, as this is the planet that grants opportunities, luck, growth, and expansion. Rahu’s transit is as critical as Jupiter’s transit, since it’s the shadow planet of status, power, and fame. Rahu has the ability to catapult someone into high positions of power, increasing their overall visibility and reputation. Saturn’s transit is also important to consider, as it’s the planet of challenges, restriction, discipline, and hard work. The transit of Mars is critical to consider for athletes, as it’s the planet of courage, drive, ambition, energy, motivation, sports, and athleticism. 

When it comes to making astrological predictions, there’s so much to analyze and consider, but ultimately it’s a matter of weighing out the pros and cons of each transit. 

Brock Purdy - Niners Quarterback 

Jupiter is transiting his 9th house of luck and fortune and aspecting his natal Moon, which lends supportive energies. Jupiter is also casting its benevolent energy onto his natal Sun (1st lord) within a very close degree. Jupiter is also transiting his natal Saturn within a close degree, as well, creating potential for a lucky opportunity. Saturn is his 6th lord of competition and 7th lord of opponents. Jupiter will enter Purdy’s 10th house of career and profession after May, where he’ll begin to see more professional opportunities and gain a higher status.

Rahu is transiting Purdy’s 8th house of transformation, disgrace, and humiliation. The 8th house is typically considered a difficult dusthana house, which can bring obstacles and misfortunes, but can also increase income from partnerships and gains from shared resources.

Saturn is transiting his 7th house of partnerships and opponents. Relative to the Super Bowl, this transit may indicate frustration and challenges from competitors. Saturn is transiting his natal Mars, which can cause more upsets and frustration. 

Mars is strong and exalted in his 6th house of fitness, enemies, competitors, and accidents. Mars does well transiting the 6th house (upachaya) and can be good for winning over your competitors, however, this alone cannot guarantee a final win. There may also be injuries indicated with this transit. 

Ultimately, Purdy’s transits are good, but are they good enough to win the Super Bowl?

Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs Quarterback 

Jupiter is transiting his 11th house of gains, wishes, desires, and influence, increasing the potential for professional achievements and large sums of money. 

Jupiter is also aspecting or lending its good energy to his 3rd house and 5th house of sports. Jupiter is directly aspecting his natal Rahu and natal Mars, in the 5th house; this is very powerful and can indicate a great rise, especially relative to games and sports. 

Rahu is currently transiting his 10th house of career and profession, which typically indicates big career opportunities and career advancement. However, Rahu can definitely be a wildcard, as it has a disruptive and malefic quality, representing chaos, extremes, intensity, and overwhelm. Rahu has the ability to give things quickly and suddenly, often with a sense of shock or surprise. This shadow planet is very materialistic in nature and helps with the attainment of material gains. 

Mahomes is currently having his Saturn return, which indicates a time of growth, challenge, duty, responsibility, and maturation. Oftentimes, during a Saturn return, public duties and personal authority may increase due to achieving or accomplishing something great, such as gaining or winning an important title in the chosen field or industry. Transiting Saturn is aspecting his natal Jupiter within one degree, in the 6th house of competition; this should be positive. 

Exalted and powerful Mars is transiting his 8th house of shared resources, which can boost earnings from multiple sources. On the contrary, this transit can sometimes indicate accidents, traumas, surgeries, difficulties, controversies, and scandals. Also, since Mars indicates siblings, this transit can indicate contention or problems for his brother. 

Travis Kelce - Chiefs Tight End 

Jupiter is transiting Kelce’s 6th house of physical fitness and competition. This transit expands and blesses matters of the 6th house. Jupiter’s positively aspects his 10th house of career and reputation, as well as his 2nd house of wealth, where he has natal Saturn. Transiting Jupiter is aspecting his natal Saturn at an exact degree. Saturn is his 3rd lord of teams and sports. Rahu is transiting his 5th house of games and sports, which can be supportive and beneficial for winning the Super Bowl. Exalted Mars is transiting his 3rd house of sports, which is another positive transit, being an upachaya house.  


After considering various factors, I ultimately predict that the Chiefs will win the Super Bowl again this year; however, being from the Bay Area, I’d prefer the Niners to win.