Tesla Recalls Triggered by Mercury Retrograde

Mercury, the planet most commonly associated with communication, travel, transportation, and technology, turned retrograde on December 13th. Mercury retrograde always suggests a time of revision, retrospection, and reconsideration; therefore, the recent Tesla recall comes at no surprise, astrologically speaking. 

Common Occurrences During Mercury Retrograde:

Reconnecting with someone from your past

Delays during travel or issues with transportation 

Miscommunication when speaking or writing  

Technological hiccups and computer glitches

Helpful Tips:

Allow more time for travel 

Save and backup your files 

Double check emails/contracts 

This Mercury retrograde will last until January 1st, 2024. 

I advise holding off on launching or starting something completely new during this time; otherwise, it’s a great time to resurrect an old project or fix something preexisting.