Astrology Explains Assassination Attempt on Trump

Mars, the planet of violence, aggression, weapons, danger, and attacks, just moved into Donald Trump’s 10th house of career, reputation, public image, and presidency, at 1* of Taurus. His Midheaven, the highest visible point in the birth chart, is at 1* of Taurus. Uranus, the planet of sudden and shocking events, also recently moved into Taurus, and is at 2* of Taurus. He has a very powerful 10th house, where he has an exalted Rahu and very strong Sun. The Sun is the most important planet in his chart, as it’s his chart ruler and, therefore, an extension of his identity. Mars and Uranus are transiting over his natal Sun and exalted Rahu.

Not to mention, the most important factor; the most violent and evil fixed star, Algol, sits at 3* of Taurus. This star is associated with violence, attacks, and losing one’s head, literally and figuratively. Rahu is also transiting and activating his 8th house, which is a difficult house in astrology, known as a dusthana, and is associated with scandals, humiliation, and in extreme cases, crime, assassination, death, and murder. Essentially, these configurations of planets in the sky, against Donald Trump’s personal birth chart, was the trigger for the attempted assassination.

His saving grace is that he has Jupiter, the planet of luck, opportunity, blessings, and expansion, transiting his 10th house, as well. Overall, this increases his popularity and likelihood of winning the presidency, again.