2024 Horoscopes

Here are the mini horoscopes for each Vedic zodiac sign and what can be expected in 2024. Read according to your Vedic rising sign and moon sign placement. For more in depth and detailed predictions, with specific dates, order my yearly email reading!


A big theme and focus will be on foreign travel, meditation, spirituality, and solitude. Take care of your health and pets as you may experience some issues there. Your finances and self worth will get a big boost, especially in the second half of the year. You may have challenges or lessons around friendships and networking. If you’re trying to grow your social media presence, it may be off to a slow start but keep at it and eventually you’ll gain some traction. 


 A big theme and focus will be on networking, humanitarian efforts, and becoming of influence. This is a great time to extend your reach and grow your social media platforms. Pay more attention to your children if you have them, as they may be going through some challenges or pivotal milestones. From spring onwards, you’ll start to receive lucky breaks and expansive opportunities, so you’ll definitely have a spring in your step. You’ll be working hard when it comes to your professional life and you can even take on a more authoritative role with greater responsibilities. 


A big theme and focus will be on career, purpose, reputation, and your public image. You’re bound to make advancements in your career and be seen as an authority in your field. Expect some changes within your home and family environment, including changes in property. Your mother’s health may require some extra attention and your father may face some challenges as well. The first half of the year you’ll be connecting with others and feeling social, but during the second half of the year, you’ll want to retreat in solitude. This is a good time for becoming more disciplined in regards to your higher education. Topics on law, religion, philosophy, and spirituality may now intrigue you.  


A big theme and focus will be on foreign travel, higher studies, philosophy, and spirituality. If you’ve been considering going back to school, this is your time. Travel will also play a prominent theme this year, as you get the itch to explore different countries and cultures. Siblings may face some challenges during this time. There will be luck and expansion in your career sector. You’ll also be able to reach and influence a wider audience. Networking will bring great opportunities. You may have challenges or lessons around shared resources. There may be more thought around structuring a will, inheritance, and the afterlife. 


A big theme and focus will be on metaphysical topics, including tarot or astrology. This year you’re likely to experience a personal transformation, but it may begin through a struggle. You may find yourself being more dependent on other people's resources and this may include taking out a bank loan. It’s the perfect time to expand your mind through higher knowledge or publish a book. Your career takes off in the second part of the year, with a new job opportunity or promotion. You may have lessons, delays, or roadblocks around business partnerships or challenges within your romantic relationships. 


A big theme and focus will be on business, collaborations, and partnerships. Relationships can advance and take center stage during this time. You’re also likely to gain more notoriety and public visibility this year. Financial opportunity and support comes through others and their resources. Towards the second half of the year, you’ll have opportunities to travel abroad and a chance to publish your book. You may have some health challenges arise, requiring you to be more structured and disciplined with your diet and exercise. 


A big theme and focus will be on health, fitness, work, and being of service. Some health issues may arise, causing you to seek alternative ways of healing. Meditation and yoga are good habits to begin and practice this year. Relationships should be harmonious and supportive this year. Those who are single, have the opportunity to find a partner. The second half of the year can have you merging financially or benefiting through another. Children may require more responsibility and attention this year or they may be facing some challenges themselves. 


A big theme and focus will be on creativity, children, entertainment, and entrepreneurial endeavors. You’re likely to experience changes within your groups, friendships, or social circle. Prioritizing your physical health can help heal and resolve some existing health issues, alleviating concerns. Starting in the second half of the year, luck, opportunity, and expansion can be experienced within your business and partnerships. The home or family front may present some challenges. Delays or roadblocks around property matters can be expected.  


A big theme and focus will be on home, family, real estate, vehicles, and security. There’s a high probability to purchase property and move out of your current residence. Changes at work or within your current role can also be expected this year. Creative and entrepreneurial endeavors can flourish this year. Spending time with your children brings you enjoyment. The second half of the year can have you focused more on fitness, health, and healing. You may have some challenges with siblings, travel, commute, or your neighbors. 


A big theme and focus will be on communication, writing, media, and travel. This year you may get the itch to write more, whether it’s starting a blog, newsletter, or book. Your social media presence can also magnify this year. Father’s or guru’s health may decline. Travel opportunities can increase, taking you on spiritual retreats or to foreign lands. There’s a high probability to purchase property and move out of your current residence. In the second part of the year, chances for pregnancy increase. Dental work may be required to bring your oral hygiene back to good health. Financial challenges can make you determined to create a steady and reliable source of income.


A big theme and focus will be on your finances and self worth. Income is likely to increase, but with some strings attached. Metaphysical topics, astrology, psychology, and the afterlife may become of interest. Your social media presence can expand, as well as opportunities for short travel. The second part of the year can bring expansion in the home and family sector. This year you’re dealing with some personal challenges, while feeling a sense of burden and responsibility. It’s a good time for personal growth and self improvement. 


A big theme and focus will be on balancing your needs with the needs of your partner. Changes in status and relationships can be expected this year. New business partnerships and collaborations can also begin. Financial growth and abundance is likely, especially in the first half of the year. In the second part of the year, you’ll be feeling the need to write more and communicate. Social media and marketing efforts can also expand. This year is great for practicing meditation, as your ability to focus inward increases.