Accountant Turned Astrologer

Astrology for me began as a hobby and, over the last decade, I’ve utilized it daily, as a life tool for personal growth and development. My interest in astrology began after a breakup, as I instinctively knew there must have been some astrological reasoning behind this event occurring, and come to find out, there was. This ancient and metaphysical science quickly grabbed and kept my attention, as I simply found it to resonate. My birth chart became my personal road map, serving as a guide, and indicating what’s up ahead next.    

Academically, I received a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration & Marketing, from Saint Mary’s College of California, and professionally worked as a revenue accountant for well known software tech companies in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area.

After several years, I became pregnant and decided to leave the corporate world to become a stay at home parent and raise my daughter. I knew my future plans didn’t include returning back to a typical 9-5 profession, so I decided to follow my true calling and embark on a new career path; one that was more spiritually destined and aligned with my natural talents. I’ve, since then, taken extensive courses and further developed my abilities to read and analyze birth charts. I’ve also obtained professional certification, a Master of Arts in Vedic Astrology. 

I currently practice and continue to study Vedic astrology, offering my services for personal birth chart consultations. I find great purpose and satisfaction in serving my clientele, offering guidance and advice, using my expertise and knowledge of astrology. In addition, I’ve amassed a decent size following on TikTok, becoming an influential thought leader amongst the astrological community. 


  • Donna

    How do I know if my birthday falls on both the Rising / Moon for an accurate reading?

  • Concetta

    I would like a reading. Full reading. Thank you

  • Concetta

    I would like a reading.

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